Ensuring the health and safety of our guests and staff is our top priority. The following measures, guidelines and code of conduct apply in accordance with the COVID-19 regulations introduced by the Austrian Federal Government. These rules and actions are for the wellbeing of our guests and staff. We will continuously assess and adjust them as circumstances require (Status: 17 February 2022).

Covid-19 information
According to the COVID-19 regulation:
We are required to check all guests ages 12 and older who wish to ride our cable car and lift facalities for valid official documentation of their “3G-proof" (vaccinated, recovered, tested). Your ticket only permits access to the ski area if it is accompanied by proof of 3G-status.
Exception for school kids: Holiday Ninja Pass valid as 3G proof for non vaccinated /recovered children (born 01.09.2006 or later => 12-15 years). Further information to 3G-proof and ski ticket activation click on the button below.
FFP2 mask mandatory (all closed rooms & all cable car/lift facilities)! Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
Regulations from 5 March 2022
From 05.03.2022 most restrictions will be repealed. The 3G rule no longer applies (no entry restrictions). Mask requirement remains.
In accordance with the current regulations introduced by the Austrian Federal Government, cable cars are classified as a mode of public transport and are therefore subject to public transport regulations. Therefore, the following measures and guidelines apply:
3G proof (admission control)From the completed 12th year of life a 3G proof (vaccinated, recovered, tested) is required for the ride of cable car and lift facilities.
Up to the age of 12, there is no obligation to provide proof of Covid. Exception for school kids: Holiday Ninja Pass valid as 3G proof for non vaccinated/recovered children*.
3G proof is checked when tickets are sold.
Greenpass Check-in: Check 3G proof and ticket activation can take place: Lift ticket counter, ticket machines, web portal "Safe2Ski Check in".
The customer must always carry the 3G proof with him for the duration of his stay and show it in the context of random checks.
If customers fail to comply with the epidemiological measures, the cable car and ski lift opberator can be released from its obligation to transport.
* Information on 3G proof, Holiday Ninja Pass & Greenpass Check-in can be found in the FAQ's ski ticket.
Wear a FFP2 maskWearing a FFP2 mask* without without an exhalation valve is mandatory?
Over all, FFP2 masks must be worn all closed rooms.
In lift stations, entrance/exit areas and throughout the journey on all all calbe cars, gondolas and ski lift facilities, FFP2 masks are mandatory.
Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
Mask requirement: all persons from 14 years FFP2 mask mandatory, 6 - 13 years MNP mandatory, up to 5 years: no MNP requirement (for details see FAQ).
General measuresArrangements in boarding areas: FFP2-mask is mandatory in quering areas. We will arrange queuing areas in a way that avoid groups of people standing close together wherever possible.
Maximum occupancy: The capacity in the closed cable car cabins / gondolas with wheather-protective covers is 100 %due to legal requirements. Please note: MNP mandatory (FFP2 mask)
Announcements in the ski area
Disinfection measures: We ventilate o ur cable car cabins/gondolas and regularly disinfect them using cold fogging machines. We also regularly clean and disinfect all public areas.
Hand hygiene: We have installed numerous hand disinfection stations throughout our cable car facilities.
Journey times: None of our cable cars have a journey time of more than 10 minutes.
Customer contact: Staff who come in direct contact with customers always wear face coverings.
Cashless payments: All of our ticket counters accept cashless payments.
Information in the skiing area: Information is provided on numerous info screens, posters, etc. throughout the skiing area.
Please respect our COVID-19 safety measures. We will adjust these measures as needed and in accordance with any changes in the law or regulations issued by the Austrian Federal Government. By taking these necessary precautions, you are protecting yourself, other guests and our staff. Thanks for your cooperation!
We ask guests to act responsibly and use common sense in the ski region and in public areas so that everyone stays safe and can enjoy themselves. Please follow the measures listed below order to protect yourself and others:
3G proof
In order to use the cable car and lift facilities, it is mandatory for people from the age of 12 to provide evidence of a low epidemiological risk according to the 3G-rule (vaccinated, recovered, tested) when purchasing a ticket. Your ticket only allows access to the ski area if it is accompanied by proof of the 3G-status.
Exception for school kids: Holiday Ninja Pass valid as 3G proof for non vaccinated/recovered children (12-15 years) *
* Detailed information on 3G-proof, Holiday Ninja Pass and ski tickets can be found in the FAQ's ski ticket.
Wear a FFP2-mask (MNP)Where must a FFP2 mask mandatory be worn?
Over all, FFP2 masks must be worn in all closed rooms.
In lift stations, entrance/exit areas and throughout the journey on all all calbe cars, gondolas and ski lift facilities, FFP2 masks are mandatory from the time you enter the valley station until you leave the mountain station.
Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
Mask requirement: all persons from 14 years FFP2 mask mandatory, 6 - 13 years MNP mandatory, up to 5 years: no MNP requirement (for details see FAQ).
Practice good hygienePlease observe general hygiene rules such as regularly washing your hands
Do not shake hands when greeting others
If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into the crook of your arm or into a tissue
We have installed numerous hand disinfection stations throughout our cable car facilities
Please observe general hygiene rules such as regularly washing your hands
We take care to make sure there is sufficient ventilation in cable car cabins/gondolas and in buildings
To assist us, please open the windows of cable car cabins/gondolas during your journey where possible
If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, stay at home or at your accommodation
Contact the local health authorities by dialling 1450 for further advice (diagnostic clarification)
Follow instructions: Please follow any health recommendations and all instructions issued by our staff
Install the “Stopp Corona” app: We recommend that guests install the Austrian Federal Government’s “Stopp Corona” app, which functions anonymously
By acting responsibly, you protect yourself and everyone else
and answers (FAQs)3G-proof (admission control)
From the completed 12th year of life a 3G proof (vaccinated, recovered, tested) is required for the ride of cable car and lift facilities
Up to the age of 12, there is no obligation to provide proof of Covid. Exception for school kids: Holiday Ninja Pass valid as 3G proof for non vaccinated/recovered children (12-15 years)*
3G proof is checked when tickets are sold.
Greenpass Check-in: Check 3G proof and ticket activation can take place: Lift ticket counter, ticket machines, web portal "Safe2Ski Check in"
The customer must always carry the 3G proof with him for the duration of his stay and show it in the context of random checks.
If customers fail to comply with the epidemiological measures, the cable car and ski lift opberator can be released from its obligation to transport.
Information on 3G-proof & Greenpass Check-in can be found in FAQ's ski ticket.
Holiday Ninja Pass as 3G proof for non vaccinated/recovered children.For all children of school age (born on or after 1 September 2006 > 12-15 years) who are neither fully vaccinated nor recovered, the Holiday Ninja Pass is accepted as a 3G proof. This provides for serial testing with antigen tests (validity 48 hours) and/or PCR tests (validity 72 hours) during the week. At least two tests per week must be PCR tests. In principle, this ensures that a valid, negative test result is available for each day of the week.
If there are gaps in the serial testing, the Holiday Ninja Pass is invalid. As a rule, at least 3 tests (2 x PCR) are required for a 7-day period. Please consider scheduling the test dates accordingly so that there are no gaps. The test results must be recorded in the Holiday Ninja Pass and the particular test results must be presented in conjunction with the Holiday Ninja Pass.
Info on Holiday Ninja Pass (only in German)
Note: For children/youth the MNP-mask is mandatory! See for more info FAQ's.
Wearing a FFP2 mask without without an exhalation valve is mandatory:
Over all, FFP2 masks must be worn all closed rooms.
In lift stations, entrance/exit areas and throughout the journey on all all calbe cars, gondolas and ski lift facilities, FFP2 masks are mandatory from the time you enter the valley station until you leave the mountain station.
Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
Mask requirement: all persons from 14 years FFP2 mask mandatory, 6 - 13 years MNP mandatory, up to 5 years: no MNP requirement (for details see FAQ).
Mask requirement & age regulation? Where can I get masks?Mask requirement & age regulation?
Mask requirement: all persons from 14 years FFP2 mask mandatory, 6 - 13 years MNP mandatory, up to 5 years: no MNP requirement.
I forgot my mask? Buy it at the ticket counter:
Masks (€ 1.00), FFP2-mask (€ 2.00) and snoods (€ 2.00) can be purchased at all ticket counters.
Wearing of a MNP mask is mandatory without exception for person from 6 years.
In queuring areas FFP2 mask is mandatory. We will organize the queuring areas in such a way that groups of people standing close together can be avoided as much as possible.
How many guests are allowed in cable cars and gondolas?Allowed capacity on all facilities is 100%. We regularly disinfect cable car cabins/gondolas. Please note: Wearing a FFP2 mask is mandatory!
Are gondolas/cabins ventilated during transport?We take care to make sure there is sufficient ventilation in cable car cabins/gondolas and in buildings. Cabins are ventilated as effectively as possible when in operation. Please ventilate your cabin during your journey by opening the windows.
What arrangements are in place for enclosed spaces?Wearing a mouth and nose protection (FFP2) mask is in enclosed rooms/spaces mandatory! Please note: Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
FFP2 mask outdoors?Outdoors, FFP2 masks must be worn once a distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
Where is disinfectant available?We have provided disinfectant dispensers at numerous points in cable car buildings.
WCs in the ski regionOverview of the toilet facilities in the ski area in the panorama map – see button.
What measures are in place for cable car staff who have contact with customers?Our employees provide a 3G-ertificate for their work. All staff who have direct contact with customers either wear a face covering (protective mask) or are physically separated from guests by specific protective arrangements (i.e. perspex shields).
What regulations are in place for restaurants?Separate regulations are in place for restaurants (including those up in the mountains). These regulations are published [in German only] at www.sichere-gastfreundschaft.at and are implemented by each establishment.
Further information on COVID-19 measures and information for our guests etc. can be found on the following websites.