Wednesday, 22.01.2025:
All-day training on the Hornspitz II race and training slope
Race number distribution for Thursday during the Night of the Balloons
Thursday, 23.01.2025:
10 a.m. Start 1st run
approx. 12 noon: start of 2nd run
followed by award ceremony at the valley station
06 p.m. Team captains' meeting
followed by start number distribution for Friday
Friday, 24.01.2025:
10 a.m. Start 1st run
approx. 12 noon: start of 2nd run
followed by the award ceremony at the valley station
Entry with official FIS entry form by 21.01.2025 06 pm. to:
Flurin Gadola
Herndl 6
4822 Bad Goisern