So you are guaranteed that you will not miss any important news!
What's new in Dachstein West? We keep you up to date with all the latest news and information in the Dachstein West hiking and skiing region.

Cable cars & winter tourism in Austria
With around 3,000 lifts, Austria's mountain railways are among the best in the world. Billions invested ensure state-of-the-art infrastructure, snow safety and maximum comfort.
As an economic engine, they create regional added value and stable (year-round) jobs. Sustainability, social responsibility and Alpine nature conservation take centre stage.
Technical snowmaking and state-of-the-art technologies strengthen winter tourism and are particularly environmentally friendly.
Dachstein plus Adventcalender
We have thought of something very special for our Dachstein plus Club members this year. From 1 December, a door of our Dachstein plus Advent calendar will open for you every day. New surprises await you every day - prizes, inspiration and plenty of winter magic.
Where can you find the Advent calendar? You can find the link to the Advent calendar in your protected member area in our Onlineshop.
Not yet a member of our benefits club? Then register for free and enjoy the benefits!
Certificate of appreciation
At the Licht ins Dunkel donation gala , Rupert Schiefer, Managing Director of OÖ Seilbahnholding and CEO of DAG, received a certificate in recognition of the ski touring charity and the financial support it provided.
We are of course very proud of this, but we are even more pleased to be able to make a contribution to support families in need . We will be doing this again in 2025!

Skiarea-Test 2024
The Dachstein West ski region was once again delighted to receive numerous awards from the International Ski Area Test this year.
The Dachstein West team took home no fewer than 6 awards this year. The ski area was honoured in the following categories:
Adventure and family mountain
Internal. Ski tour seal of quality
Internal. Piste seal of approval
Ideas & realisation
Most popular railway staff
Skiarea-Test 2024
Our ski resort was recently honoured as one of the most popular SnowTrex ski resorts!
But how does a ski resort actually get this award?
Snowtrex asks its customers about their satisfaction with the ski resort. The rating is divided into six levels - from very satisfied to not at all satisfied.
The top destinations are then selected based on the best ratings from these customers.
Snow & Fun Card (new version)
Snow & Fun Card at an early bird price until 31.10.2024 for only € 549,- (adults)*
The Snow & Fun Card in a new version, so that you can continue to enjoy fun on the ski pistes in Upper Austria.
Die Snow & Fun Card is valid in the following 4 ski regions:
Dachstein West (Gosau, Russbach, Annaberg)
Feuerkogel (Ebensee)
Dachstein Krippenstein (Obertraun)
Kasberg (Grünau im Almtal)
*Available online and at the participating ski resorts.

Follow your heart - summer on the Dachstein
Don't forget to switch on the TV on August 9 at 8:15 pm!
Servus TV provides exclusive insights into the life and work of the people in the Dachstein region. You can also expect a chat with one or two of the hut owners.
Picture (c): © ServusTV / Andreas Kaboto Photography